Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day on the other side of the world

Well it's true what they say about the Canadians .. they love a good time, they love Australians and they love a beer! We've met some wonderful people in the past week who have opened their homes to us so generously. Even today on Mother's Day Hilda and I were given gifts by thoughtful friends who realise we'd be thinking of our kids a little more than usual today. We're well fed and extremely well cared for ... there's something wrong with the water though because my jeans seem to be shrinking!

After a very cold but extremely interesting tour of the ancient Petroglyphs last night our Assiniboia families hosted a lovely farewell party for us which left Bec and I more than a little tired today. Our presentation in the funeral home was certainly a little different but something we can chalk up as yet another part of the fun-filled adventure that is GSE.

Today we moved on from Assiniboia to Estevan, checking out the caves of Sam Kelly at a ranch along the way.

We're in Estevan until Wednesday and I'm scheduled for a vocational visit on Tuesday to the local hospital foundation. My morning with the Hospitals of Regina Foundation last week was enlightening. I even had Edie send back a great idea to the Sunshine Coast Health Foundation that will help lighten the load a little for this year's Mix FM's Give Me 5 for Kids. It's amazing how similarly we operate and I've picked up quite a few ideas to bring home with me.

Time is flying by and we're having a great time. Missing you all though too but be assured that slide night on our return will certainly be interesting.

Love you Jess X



rod said...

Lisa and fellow GSE members,
Have found your blog - great to hear that you are having such a wonderful time. The photos are bright and colourful, especially the girls in the Canadian Mounty uniforms! Our Mothers Day was fine and sunny, akin to the warmth of the welcome you've obviously received over there. Received a lovely note from Christa today.
Look forward to following your travels.

Best wishes from Rod & Lorelle, Nbr.

Kim Eklund said...

GSE Members:
It was so great to have met you and been able to spend time with you while you were in Assiniboia. I hope that the rest of your time in Canada is wonderful and exciting. Hope to hear from you in the future.
Take Care.

2008gsetocanada said...

Doing the rounds of my vocational visits and sure learning so much and will be keen to put into practice some of the things I have observed . Hi to all at home, behaving myself and enjoying the company of great new friends.. Lots of love to all Bob.

Leanne said...

Miss you already! Hope you are having a wonderful time. See you in a couple of weeks