Friday, June 6, 2008

Home Safe and Sound!

Hello everyone! Thought I would do a quick blog to let you know that Bob, Hilda and I arrived home safe and sound this morning, despite nearly missing our connecting flight in LA!! That was an experience in itself - trying to find where we had to check in at LA when the flight was suppose to be boarding! Lucky we made it, only a little flustered!

We had mostly good flights home, only experiencing some rough turbulence on the way to LA, and we got through customs relatively easy. It was also great to be greeted by Darryl on our arrival in Brisbane.

I would like to take this time to once again thank District 5550, DG June, Myrna, our host familes, host clubs and all our wonderful new friends for such a fantastic experience. Your hospitaltiy and friendship was priceless and we all had a fantastic time - THANK YOU! I would also like to thank our district, District 9600, for giving us all this opportunity and allowing us to represent our District. I am sure from the blog that you can see we have had a brilliant time!

Although I am sure I will miss Canada (especially on Tuesday when I go back to work!!), it is nice to be home with my family and unpacking and finding all of my new goodies!

Have a great time in BC Lisa, and New York Matt! Thanks again to all of our new friends, we look forward to seeing you "Down Under" soon! Bec

1 comment:

Carissa said...

It was so great to see you all over here in canada. Hope you have lots of great memories and photos of your experience of a lifetime! keep in touch.